Monday, January 22, 2007


Tomorrow I'm going to see a naturopathic physician about my fatigue.

As I had mentioned, I wanted to use The Dragon's Way to deal with fatigue, but last week the problem got so bad that I decided I needed to find out if there's a problem causing this. I'm almost sure the fatigue was exacerbated by the exceptionally cold weather, but I also think there may be a disorder causing it.

I suspect Hypochlorhydria, a very common yet little known disorder that causes a wide variety of symptoms, including fatigue. Hypochlorhydria means low stomach acid.

The naturopath I'm visiting suspects Hypothyroidism, but that can actually be caused by Hypochlorhydria!

I'll give you more information later about Hypochlorhydria. If you're curious now, just Google it. There's a pretty good amount of information out there, though you're unlikely to hear about it from your doctor.




Unknown said...

Isotretinoin (the generic name for accutane) is used to treat the most severe and disfiguring cases of nodular acne. Most Doctors would only recommend this treatment

only after all other forms of acne medication have been tried and proved unsuccessful.

Serious Accutane Side Effects
1. Birth Defects
2. Psychiatric Diseases, Depression and Suicide
3. Central Nervous System Ailments
4. Liver Damage
5. Hearing/Vision Problems
6. Accutane Pancreatic Damage

More detailed info on this page:

Information on the development, history and legacy of Accutane.

Anonymous said...

Many people feel that their title="acne" href="" >acne< is overly

embarrassing and
unmanageable. I have read story after story of heartache, especially
from teens that endure heartless bullying from schoolmates. There are
so many different remedies and medications. What most people fail to
realise is that each individual has a different biological makeup and
what works for one person may not work for everyone. In some cases
certain acne treatment can adversely affect already irritated skin.
This further causes unnecessary embarrassment and frustration to an
already uncomfortable situation.
Propaganda fuels misconceptions about different so-called remedies and
even causes. The idea that chocolate and oily food causes acne. When in
truth, makeup, unhealthy skin and even perspiration can cause acne.
All of these factors affect the skin. But even your skin makeup can
affect your skin and create back acne, scalp acne, large assesses or
ingrown hair. There is an acne questionnaire done by a company called
Skinmed that will help to diagnose acne problems through a series of
questions, and then it n recommends the best acne treatment for each
Teen acne is typically the most difficult to diagnose because of
hormonal considerations, but there is a special area meant just for
teen acne that has a completely different set of rules when running the
formula that determines the best medications or treatments. In some
cases simple changes in hygiene and daily washing is all that it takes.
The site also has a title "free acne/rosacea cream" title="acne"

href="" >free acne treatment/a that is made up
of a three step process. The primary reason most teens, especially boys
tend to have more problems with chronic acne is because of a lack of
simply washing their face regularly. So this treatment is free is a way
to create a healthy daily routine, while gently healing the skin to
prevent acne scarring brought on as a result of squeezing the sores.
Once daily cleaning is practices, and hormonal issues are taken into
consideration, a proper treatment regiment can be highly affective.
At the end of the day most acne, even teen acne , can be eliminated
quickly and permanently with the right motivation. After all, we all
want to be beautiful don’t we?
Susan Smith